Monday, February 13, 2012

My Library Project: How Far Can Your Donation Go?

The Library Committee with all of the books.
The Library Committee showing off the books.

Some of you may have seen or received various messages from me about the library project that I have started here at my school for the students. Currently our school (of approximately 1600 students) doesn't have a library...and when I say that I don't mean a shelf of books that sits in a corner not counting as a library, I mean nothing, no library what-so-ever. The Peace Corps provides help for funding projects like these through various programs, one of which is the Peace Corps Partnership Program (PCPP), this program posts my grant online and gives people like you an opportunity to donate your money towards my project while at the same time receiving a tax break for next year.

Our project needs about $3000 to move forward. These funds will buy shelves,books, an air con for the library, a copier for the teachers, and furnishings for the room. $3000 to help students read and escape their everyday lives. So! Just how far can your donation go? Below are some examples:

$1-- 4 Books
$5-- 20 Books or 400 copies of handouts
$20-- 80 Books or 1,200 copies
$50-- 200 Books

If any of you would like a complete copy of my 16 page grant (with the background information, budget, and breakdown of how the project will be completed) please let me know and I would be more than happy to email it to you.

I would also like to include pictures of our library committee in this post. The Library Committee is entirely made up of students. During the past two months they have been collecting money through a Piso for the Library Drive and by holding a Valentine Gram Drive. Through these fundraising activities the committee had raised enough funds to buy 245 books for the library.

Here is the link for the donation site:

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